About Us
YouthPedia is an educational project launched in July 2020 by Be The Change Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, founded in 2014 in Silicon Valley, United States.
YouthPedia provides an online platform for students to team up globally to create informative and original contents that they are knowledgeable about, and be able to share with their peers and younger students publicly.
National Student Officers

Amanda Chang
President (2024-Present)

Sophie Yang

Grace Li
Albert Liu
VP of Design

Zixuan Lu
VP of Operation

Ruth Liu
VP of Membership
What can students benefit from this project?
The project is essentially a creativity and leadership training for students, since they need to come up with their own topics and collabratively create free digital contents called "VideoBooks" that require writing, illustration, dubbing and video editing skills. Students who act as team lead will have a chance to practice project management, product management, and people management, which are critial to success in their future careers.
In addition, by working on this project, students can
1. Get mentoring on writing, illustration, design and video editing
2. Establish portfolio for school and job applications
3. Build their own team and branch
4. Get recommendation letters
5. Attend "Youth Leadership Training Program" developed by Be The Change Foundation
6. Win Be The Change Foundation Scholarship
7. Win Presidential Volunteer Service Awards
Who can become a creator?
We currently accept university, high school and middle school students. We will extend our project to elementary students in the latter half of this year.
How to join us?
Please apply through Become Creator page in the main menu. By submitting the applicaiton, you agree to join Be The Change Foundation as volunteer and work in our YouthPedia Studio Team.
How to work with us for your published work?
If you have works published and want to work with us to turn them into VideoBooks for youth, that's possible!!! Please contact operation@bethechange.foundation to get more information.
Can I watch your VideoBooks in other languages?
Yes! Our books will be translated into multiple languages. You can also join us as a translator. Please apply through Become Creator page.