
8 VideoBooks found
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Why Knee Joints are Important

Creators: Ruth Liu , Michael Lunsford , Yan Yan , Kari Wu

In Entertainment, Literature, Poetry

By Joyce Zhao

This book is a collection of short poems for children. They are paired with some humorous images, making this book quite an interesting and entertaining read.

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Sometimes I Get My Shoes On Backwards

Creators: Ruth Liu , Michael Lunsford , Yan Yan , Leo Lin

In Entertainment, Literature, Poetry

By Joyce Zhao

This book is a collection of short poems for children. They are paired with some humorous images, making this book quite an interesting and entertaining read.

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A Picky Little Monkey

Creators: Jerry Liu , Yuqi Liu , Izumi Yasuda

In Entertainment, Literature, Fiction

By Harry Zhan

The story of a little monkey who finally changed to not to be picky at food.